
Leslie Fernandez was born in upstate New York . Having grown up with her grandparents in  close proximity she developed a love of nature and art. Throughout her life, Leslie has always been fascinated by paintings and how the artist chooses to represent the world around us. During her teenage years her interest in art further developed and she received a Bacherlor’s Degree in Fine Art from Pratt Institute.

Relationships, dreams and loss are several of the underlying themes Leslie Fernandez explores in her personal narratives. By using familiar objects and scenes, she explores the complexity of emotions in these themes. She also discovered the wonderful mysterious nature of twilight and night and it’s emotional and psychological effect on people.  She wants the viewer to look at her paintings and begin to wonder whether they see a dream or reality.

Leslie has also trained as a teacher, specializing in Art Education. She teaches 14-18-year-olds in order to foster a lifelong love of art and inspire them to see like artists. She also received a  Master’s Degree in Art Education from Central Connecticut State University. Leslie lives and works in Connecticut surrounded by her family, pets, nature and endless sunrises and sunsets.


Relationships, dreams and loss are several of the underlying themes I explore in my personal narratives. By using familiar objects and scenes, I explore the complexity of emotions in these themes. I have also discovered the wonderful mysterious nature of twilight and night. The light at twilight is different than any other time of day. It has an emotional and psychological effect.  If find beauty in the setting sky, its effect on colors and shapes, and the sense of night descending like a blanket on the world. Night has a mystery all its own. In dark, our imaginations have a chance to run wild whether we are awake or dreaming. I use these times of day to explore their sense of mystery and add another dimension to my personal narratives. I want people to experience the differences in color and form that occur only at night. I also want them to feel the emotional charge that is in the air as the sun begins to fall behind the trees. I want the viewer to look at my paintings and begin to wonder whether they see a dream or reality.